Squish Conservatism

January 6, 2023

Audio Recording

Thanks to those who tuned into our first Clubland Q&A of 2023, guest hosted by Laura Rosen Cohen. If you missed it, or want to take another listen, here's the action replay. Laura took questions from Mark Steyn Club members on the mushiness of modern "conservatives" and Kevin McCarthy's ill-fated attempts to become House speaker, the silencing of Jordan Peterson, the quagmire of Israeli politics, and Prince Harry's splashy quest for privacy, among other subjects.

If you enjoy our Q&A sessions, we also do them live at sea on the Mark Steyn Cruise, which is returning in July for a seven-day voyage on the Adriatic Sea. If you've got a headscratcher you'd like to pose to Mark and his special guests, we hope to see you on board. You don't have to be a Mark Steyn Club member to listen to the show, so please click away. But, as always, we thank Steyn Clubbers for many excellent questions.

~Rick McGinnis will be back tomorrow with a brand new film review that we know you'll enjoy.