Shots in the Dark

Wednesday's Mark Steyn Show began with Mark's thoughts on various aspects of the passing scene, after which Australia's Alexandra Marshall returned to the show to put in a word for the British Empire at least when compared with today's one-size-fits-all globalism.

Next up was New Zealand's Guy Hatchard to address perhaps the most disturbing numbers to emerge from the Covid years: During 2020, when the virus was rampant, there was virtually no "excess mortality"; during 2021, when the mass vaccination campaigns got going, there was significant excess mortality among the young and middle-aged.

To close out the hour, former Para Sean Rayment looked at the staggering losses from the Russians' first month in Ukraine.

All that plus your comments and questions along the way. Click below to watch:

Mark will be back for Thursday's Steyn Show live at 8pm GMT/4pm North American Eastern. The replay airs at 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific

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