The Respectable Men Who Protect the Gang-Rapists

Thank you to all who dial up The Mark Steyn Show on GB News every night. On Tuesday night Mark and his regulars Eva, Natalie and Alexandra (all of whom were previously unknown to UK telly viewers) were the Number One news show in their time slot, beating everyone in sight - BBC News, Sky and Piers Morgan Uncensored.

Wednesday's Steyn Show began with an exclusive interview from the depraved hellhole of urban England: Debbie Cole, the mother of a twelve-year-old girl picked up in Oldham police station and raped by eight men in a single night, talked to Mark about the town's disgraceful corrupted council and their determination to punish her and her daughter rather than the Pakistani rape-gang. Mrs Cole spoke to Steyn from an "undisclosed location", because the gang's threats against her have forced her into hiding.

Next up was Leilani Dowding on the new trend for measuring your carbon footprint on every 'plane and train, and Spain's decision to turn off the air-conditioning. "Excess mortality" has climbed to 18 per cent in England, but still no one is interested in figuring out why: our stats man, Jamie Jenkins, discussed the matter with Mark. And we rounded out the hour with Kathy Gyngell on the Twitter totalitarians' ever more frenzied vaporisation of dissent.

All that plus your comments and questions in real time along the way. Click below to watch the full hour - except for the beginning which (as appears to be becoming traditional) was cut off:

Mark will be back for tomorrow's Steyn Show live at 8pm BST/3pm North American Eastern - followed by the Thursday replay of Steyn's Song of the Week on Serenade Radio at 9pm BST/4pm Eastern. You can listen to the latter from anywhere on the planet by clicking the button in the top right-hand corner here.

If you're a member of The Mark Steyn Club, feel free to weigh in below. If you're wondering what the Steyn Club's all about, you can find more details here - and we also have a great gift membership.