Reign Stops Play

Thank you very much to those who dial up The Mark Steyn Show on GB News every evening. We had a terrific night on Tuesday, beating Sky and Piers Morgan Uncensored and even the Beeb - although, in fairness to the last, they were showing something called The BBC Green Sport Awards, so they were on something of a suicide mission.

Wednesday's Mark Steyn Show started with Mark's thoughts on the fragility of civilisation, after which Telford sexual-assault survivor Samantha Smith returned to the show to discuss the Home Secretary's tough words on the woke police.

Next up were Alexandra Marshall and Jamie Jenkins on different aspects of Net Zero - first, HM The King, who's all hot for it; next, you, who's on the receiving end.

We closed out the hour with Dr Naomi Wolf and a follow-up to her more controversial remarks of yesterday.

All that plus your comments and questions in real time along the way. Click below to watch the full show:

Mark will be back for tomorrow's Steyn Show live at 8pm BST/3pm North American Eastern - followed by the Thursday replay of Steyn's Song of the Week on Serenade Radio at 9pm BST/4pm Eastern. You can listen to the latter from anywhere on the planet by clicking the button in the top right-hand corner here.

If you're a member of The Mark Steyn Club, feel free to weigh in below. If you're wondering what the Steyn Club's all about, you can find more details here - and we also have a great gift membership.