The Rewiring of Our Children

Welcome to the Tuesday edition of The Mark Steyn Show. If you're watching us in real time, immediately after today's show, Mark will be back with his old EIB comrade on Bo Snerdley's Rush Hour, live at 4pm US Eastern on New York's legendary radio powerhouse, 77 WABC.

On today's episode Mark talks to Liam Walsh about the loss of his daughter to TikTok. Liam believes that the death of young Maia is not just a personal tragedy for his family, but the result of a conscious targeting of western adolescents by the Chinese company.

China expert Gordon Chang returns to the show to address that question. TikTok is now the world's Number One website, yet it is unavailable in China - because Chairman Xi does not want it doing to Chinese children what it does to western ones. Mark and Gordon talk about the CCP's weaponisation of everything it has - and whether it will lead to an actual shooting war.

Our Stats Man Jamie Jenkins is also on hand to analyse how our youth bore the brunt of government's disastrous lockdown policies - and the psychological damage inflicted on a generation.

All that plus Mark's Mailbox. To watch the show, simply click above.

~Steyn's lawsuit against Ofcom in the English High Court is doing wonders for five-star reviews of his new book The Prisoner of Windsor. From Canada, Phos writes:

Entertaining satire.

Mark Steyn is a witty chronicler of western decline. May as well have an entertaining companion at one's side as the future grows dim.

Actually, it's supposed to be a little bit inspirational too, Phos - because "western decline" is not inevitable; it's a choice our leaders have made.

You don't have to buy the book just to bolster Mark's suit against Ofcom in the English High Court: it's worth it in its own right - as the reviews attest. Aside from The Prisoner of Windsor, however, there are other ways of supporting this very important free-speech case:

a) signing up a friend for a Steyn Club Gift Membership;

b) buying a loved one a SteynOnline gift certificate; or

c) joining Mark and his array of special guests on this summer's Steyn Cruise.

As we have noted, the post-Steyn GB News will not be standing with Mark and Naomi Wolf in court. But the "chilling effect" of Ofcom on public discourse is far worse than Canada under Section 13 or Australia under Section 18C, so battle must be joined.

~Among the benefits of Mark Steyn Club membership is that you can enjoy The Mark Steyn Show in any medium you desire: video, audio or text. So, if you find Mark and his guests more convivial in non-visual form, please log-in to our Audio and Transcript versions. To listen to the above show, simply click here.

~Our all-star panel of Eva, Leilani and Alexandra will be back to take the pulse of the planet on a brand new Steyn Show tomorrow, Wednesday, at 8pm UK/3pm North American Eastern. Don't forget, if you're in the Antipodes, the show now airs Tuesday to Friday at 5pm Australian Eastern Time on ADH TV.

~And finally, as noted above, The Prisoner of Windsor is out and available. For the Kindle edition around the world, please click below:

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