Pride Comes Before the Fall

Welcome to another edition of The Mark Steyn Show. After two days of Antipodean guest hosts, Mark's Canadian compatriot Andrew Lawton seizes the anchor seat tonight for a wide-ranging show featuring three Steyn Show favourites.

Andrew kicked off with his thoughts on "pride season" and the corporate world's rainbow regalia. Next up was Leilani Dowding on when "tolerance" is no longer enough. Natalie Winters weighed in on the WHO's post- (or pre-) pandemic power grab, followed by Dominique Samuels on the Amish as Covid's unsung heroes.

All that plus Mark's Mailbox. To watch the show, simply click above.

~As mentioned on the air, Mark has a new book out, The Prisoner of Windsor, which is picking up a lot of five-star reviews around the planet. You can get a personally autographed copy over at the SteynOnline Bookstore. But, if you can live without Mark's inscription, you may procure a handsome hardback at a lower price with cheaper shipping from Amazon. It's also at Amazon Canada, if not yet (for some mysterious reason) in print form at Indigo Canada, although they are selling it digitally.

Aside from buying his book, there are multiple ways of supporting Mark's important lawsuit against the censors of Ofcom in the English High Court, including:

a) signing up a friend for a Steyn Club Gift Membership;

b) buying a loved one a SteynOnline gift certificate; or

c) joining Mark, Dominique Samuels, Leilani Dowding, Andrew Lawton and many more special guests on next month's Steyn Cruise.

Among the benefits of Mark Steyn Club membership is that you can enjoy The Mark Steyn Show in any medium you desire: video, audio or text. So, if you find Steyn and his guests more convivial in non-visual form, please log-in to our Audio and Transcript versions. To listen to the above show, simply click here.