Silent Cal and Tweeting Don

Herewith another episode of The Mark Steyn Show that CRTV declined to air but which we hope might be of interest to SteynOnline regulars.

In this show, Mark muses on the disagreements within climate science that never seem to make the papers - because they don't fit the media's lockstep insistence that "the science is settled". After that, he talks to the bestselling historian Amity Shlaes about Calvin Coolidge's relevance in the Age of Trump. And to round things out he offers another selection from Mark's Mailbox. Click below to watch:

Shortly after receiving the above episode of The Mark Steyn Show, CRTV boss Cary Katz fired Mark, terminated his contract, and, in breach of that contract, refused to pay for the shows he has already broadcast, leaving Mark saddled with huge production and payroll expenses. Steyn's fellow Sinatra centennialist the Evil Blogger Lady has a post on the subject that may lay on the heartstring-tugging a bit too heavily, but is full of interesting information.

Meanwhile, CRTV customers continue to forward us their responses to Customer Service when asked to explain why they're cancelling their subscriptions. This is what Karen Cliffgard and Earl O'Connell from Chicago told CRTV:

We just now opted out of the auto-renew for CRTV (we have been subscribers from the beginning).

Our reason for doing this is because we just found out that Mark Steyn will no longer be part of your line-up (reason unknown). A few months ago, we were very pleased when it was announced that Mark Steyn was going to have a program on your network since we really enjoy his insight and humor. Now, because of this strange occurrence, we have decided to terminate our relationship with CRTV.

This is truly unfortunate because we really like Mark Levin as well, but obviously he (and possibly others associated with CRTV) does not share our high opinion of Mark Steyn.

Thank you, Karen and Earl. We are so grateful at this difficult time for your supportive comments over at our Facebook page, and for all your kind emails, another selection from which is printed below:

Dear Mark,

CRTV is dead to me. I cancelled my CRTV subscription instantly. I'm going to put on your magnificent Cat Album now to soothe my rage at general corporate stupidity. Watching my children sing (and dance) to your album usually helps.

I would tell you to hang in there and recall that you have countless millions of fans supporting you, but I suppose you already know it and will hang in regardless. I truly appreciate your work.


Cape Town, South Africa


I have gotten a refund from CRTV. Just so you know.

You must find a way to use your studio anyway. In my opinion, you were worth the full price, so maybe you should just go out on your own!

I wanted my husband to see the interview with the lovely Pakistani-Canadian Muslim woman, but now, who owns it? I hope you do.

Marian Booker
Conroe, Texas


What the hell happened at CRTV? I've cancelled my membership since the only reason I signed up was for your show.

Please keep it going if possible, I do not make much money and I'm extremely frugal(I've had the same three pairs of shoes since 2010) but the price of admission for your show was worth every penny.

It sickens me that the Mark Steyn show got cancelled right as it got going. What was so great about your show to me was the array of guests and the politics through our Anglo Saxon cultural lens. I feel I have learned so much about the world from your writing and the show. I'm deeply disappointed to the degree where it's hard for me to listen to Levin now. I hope he had nothing to do with it.

Good luck, and I will be watching for your next venture,

Corey Mitchell


I am still shocked that CRTV cancelled your show. So much for conservatives sticking together, eh?

I had already cancelled my CRTV auto-renew for a different reason, and now I feel completely justified in doing so. Your show wasn't perfect (whose is?), but it was the best CRTV had to offer.

I'm looking forward to seeing, and hearing, what you do from here on out, sir. Break a leg, and God bless you.

Rob D. Tiline


I joined CRTV in mid-January because of the promise of hearing your take on our politics and our culture on a regular basis. Your video work product was consistently excellent and an oh, so satisfying mix of all things you.

Six weeks later I've cancelled my subscription due to their blunder in letting you go. The bright spot: that venue did nothing to make you the man you are. With your deep and clear political insight, broad view of our culture, and--my personal favorite--your ability to deconstruct the American Songbook, you will be heard wherever you choose to land.

I will find your voice online and elsewhere as will your many, many thousands of fans and admirers. Thank you, Mark.

John Zinzi
Milton, Delaware


So sad to hear that The Mark Steyn Show has been cancelled after such a brief run.

As a longtime Steyn super-fan I purchased a one year CRTV subscription as soon as you hit the airwaves. And I wasn't disappointed... a brilliant blend of commentary, long form interview, and entertainment.

Til now I've held off on cancelling my subscription, holding out hope that somehow you'd return to CRTV. However, with the emerging revelation of how this went down I will be promptly cancelling my subscription.

Really hoping to see The Mark Steyn Show resurface soon!

Todd Hynes


I called CRTV today to cancel my subscription. You were the main reason I signed up.

Please guest host for Rush more.

D Warner
Jacksonville, Florida



I found it curious that even in the promotions he did on his radio program Mark Levin did not mention your name very frequently. Obviously, this was not a marriage made in heaven from the beginning. I thought the line-up for the show was interesting, but without you a large part of the attraction is missing for me.

I will follow you on your website. And then there are always your duties as substitute host for Rush. In the short time you were on CRTV, you really did compile an impressive body of work. I hope that material is not going to be locked in a closet.

Herb Brown


Hi Mark,

I was so sorry to hear of the cancelling of your show on CRTV, I truly loved watching it; and will sorely miss the fascinating guests, music and Mark's Posts.

I have cancelled my subscription and will be putting it towards a Steynonline gift certificate; I can't help but think - just what you need another lawsuit! Echoing the sentiments of many I hope to find your show on some other format in the future. Best of luck!

Megan Ritchie
Calgary, Alberta


Hey there Mr. Steyn.

I dropped a couple of comments on the pathetic crtv announcement on their Facebook page, so I won't reiterate those here. I just wanted to ask that you please try to find a way to continue your show in any other medium available, as I, and legions of others would happily pay for it.


Robert Moftah