The Wuhan Armada

May 27, 2020

Audio Recording

ImageWelcome to the midweek edition of the quarantined and locked-down Mark Steyn Show, with your audio Coronacopia of news and comment, plus a pimpernel in the park, heavy rock for the self-employed, habeas corpus for the non-baklava crowd, and cultural appropriation isn't just for whitey anymore.

Click above to listen. And, if you're a Mark Steyn Club member and you'd like to submit a question for Mark to address on his next show, please leave it in the comments below. Do stay on topic - and no URLS, please, as they wreak havoc with our page formating.

If you prefer to read your radio shows, Steyn Club members can find the transcripts here.

If you're just catching on to these new audio diversions, we've done what we did with Mark's video shows and archived them in a Netflix-style tile format that makes it easy to catch up with ones you've missed. You'll find the new audio Steyn Show home page here.

For Steyn Club members interested in using their personal podcast players to listen to our new Mark Steyn Shows or our series of audio adventures Tales for our Time, we have an RSS feed here (and instructions here).

The Mark Steyn Show is made with the support of members of The Mark Steyn Club. As Mark always says, Club membership isn't for everyone, but it if you're interested you can find more information here. We're celebrating our third birthday this month, so, if you've waited a while to see whether we're in it for the long haul, yes, we are - and membership does come with benefits:

*Exclusive Steyn Store member pricing on over 40 books, CDs and other products;

*The opportunity to engage in Clubland Q&A sessions with Mark;

*Our monthly series of audio adventures Tales for Our Time. We started with Steyn's serialization of Conan Doyle's timelier than ever Tragedy of the Korosko, and moved on through Scott Fitzgerald, Jack London, Conrad, Kipling, Dickens, Gogol, The Prisoner of Zenda, The Thirty-Nine Steps, The Scarlet Pimpernel and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. You can either listen to an episode per night, as we aired them originally, or you can binge-listen to the lot on a long car journey;

*Audio versions of our video content, and transcript versions of our audio content: For those who find it less stressful not to have to look at Steyn, we've made The Mark Steyn Show available in non-visual form. If you go here, you'll find that we've already posted audio episodes of every single SteynPost all the way back to the very first one, plus some of our long-form shows, which we're also working our way through;

*Comment Club membership: you get to frolic and gambol through our comments section and take issue with Mark and his columns and radio shows and TV appearances. He weighs in there himself from time to time, but it's essentially your turf where you get to take the rhetorical baseball bat to any cut of his jib that happens to rankle. There's a lot of good stuff in there;

*His video series on classic poetry;

*Advance booking for his live appearances around the world, assuming such things are ever again permitted to take place;

*Customized email alerts for new content in your areas of interest (arts, politics, culture, or the whole shebang);

*and, most importantly, the opportunity to support all our content, from the Big Picture stuff on Islam and climate change and civilizational collapse to the small pleasures of good conversation, great movies and live music.

To become a member of The Mark Steyn Club, or to sign up a friend, please click here. Thank you for a terrific and spectacular three years. There will be many more anniversaries to come.