A Day to Remember

UPDATE! On Wednesday's Steyn Show, vaccine victim Claire Hibbs mentioned a petition they're running to get the issue before Parliament. You can find that petition here. They need another six thousand signatures to get it debated in the Commons, so we hope you'll want to lend your support.

Programming note: On Friday Mark will be joining Megyn Kelly on her top-rated Megyn Kelly Show. You can access it in various formats but it airs live on Sirius XM's Triumph Channel 111 from noon to 2pm North American Eastern. Steyn will be checking in at 1pm.

After that he'll be hosting another edition of our Clubland Q&A live around the planet. The show starts at 5pm Eastern/9pm GMT/10pm British Summer Time.

Thursday was the first day of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee observances. As you can hear, it took its toll on a monarch who is not in the best of health. But on The Mark Steyn Show Mark and his guests did their best to discuss various aspects of the occasion.

First up was historian David Starkey to give us the big picture. He was kind enough to throw in a mention of the Durham Report for American viewers. David was followed by L Ian MacDonald, who for some years wrote the Queen's Canadian speeches.

Leilani Dowding put the boot into Harry and Meghan, and Mike Batt returned to the show to give us a glimpse of the Queen's musical tastes.

All that plus your comments live as it happens. Click below to view the full hour:

~If you've missed a Mark Steyn Show in recent weeks or recent years, you can find all our shows from the year to date and many highlights from the archives in a handy Netflix-style tile format here. Make the most of them while you can because, as Mark's mentioned, he's now under investigation from Ofcom. And apparently you're not meant to disclose publicly that you're under investigation from Ofcom...

If you're a member of The Mark Steyn Club, we thank you for sticking with us in our first half-decade. Feel free to weigh in below, as we love to read your comments. If you're wondering what the Steyn Club's all about, you can find more details here - and we also have a great gift membership.