The Big Bad Wolf

Welcome to the Tuesday edition of The Mark Steyn Show. If you're watching us in real time, immediately after today's show, Mark will be back with his old EIB comrade on Bo Snerdley's Rush Hour, live at 4pm US Eastern on New York's legendary radio powerhouse, 77 WABC.

Today's Steyn Show begins with Naomi Wolf telling Mark how she feels about her thought-crime conviction by the UK media censor Ofcom - without the opportunity to present any defence to the anonymous "judge". As you know, Steyn and Dr Wolf are taking Ofcom to the English High Court.

Next up is Mark's overview of open borders from America to Britain to Europe, followed by Stats Man Jamie Jenkins on where the nightly numbers ultimately lead. Afterwards, Kathy Gyngell returns to the show to address the appalling wreckage left by the world's most unconservative Conservative Party.

All that plus Mark's Mailbox and our Brit Wanker Copper of the Day.

To watch the show, simply click above.

~Mark's new book The Prisoner of Windsor continues to attract five-star reviews from around the world. This UK reader writes:

I don't normally submit reviews, but...


Very entertaining and relevant at the moment. I support Mark's legal action against the tyrants at Ofcom.

You don't have to buy the book just to bolster Steyn's lawsuit against Ofcom: it's worth it in its own right - as those five-star ratings attest. Aside from The Prisoner of Windsor, however, there are other ways of supporting this very important free-speech case:

a) signing up a friend for a Steyn Club Gift Membership;

b) buying a loved one a SteynOnline gift certificate; or

c) joining Mark and his other special guests on this summer's Steyn Cruise.

As we have noted, the post-Steyn GB News will not be standing with Mark and Naomi in court. But the "chilling effect" of Ofcom on public discourse is far worse than Canada under Section 13 or Australia under Section 18C, so battle must be joined.

~Among the benefits of Mark Steyn Club membership is that you can enjoy The Mark Steyn Show in any medium you desire: video, audio or text. So, if you find Mark and his guests more convivial in non-visual form, please log-in to our Audio and Transcript versions. To listen to the above show, simply click here.

~Our all-star panel of Eva, Leilani and Alexandra will be back to take the pulse of the planet on a brand new Steyn Show tomorrow, Wednesday, at 8pm UK/3pm North American Eastern. Don't forget, if you're in the Antipodes, the show now airs Tuesday to Friday at 5pm Australian Eastern Time on ADH TV.

~And finally, as noted above, The Prisoner of Windsor is out and available. For the Kindle edition around the world, please click below:

United States

United Kingdom










