Honey Traps and Money Traps

ImageOn this second anniversary of The Mark Steyn Club, we're proud to present the second half of this two-part edition of The Mark Steyn Show in which I talk with George Papadopoulos about his three years as a Deep State Target.

In this episode those seeking to entrap a junior Trump campaign staffer go through every dangle in the book from lots of cash to exotic honeypots. Then comes Robert Mueller, and prison - and the terrible personal cost to George and his family. Click below to watch:

Part One of my interview with George Papadopoulos can be found here - and, if you want to know more about how "Crossfire Hurricane" got cooked up, George's book is available at Amazon (for the moment). We'll further investigate the investigators when I'm back behind the Golden EIB Microphone on America's Number One radio show on Wednesday at noon Eastern/9am Pacific and again on the next video edition of Mark's Mailbox.

Among the benefits of Mark Steyn Club membership is that you can enjoy The Mark Steyn Show in any medium you desire: video, audio or text. So, if you prefer the show in non-visual form, please log-in to our Audio & Transcripts department. To listen to the above show, simply click here.

Mark's Mailbox and The Mark Steyn Show are made possible through the support of members of The Mark Steyn Club. We appreciate that membership is not for everyone, and we're proud to say that, thanks to the Steyn Club, this website now provides more free content than at any time in our sixteen-year history. But, if you're minded to join us, we'd love to have you. What is The Mark Steyn Club? Well, it's a discussion group of lively people on the great questions of our time (the next edition airs next week), it's also an audio Book of the Month Club (we hope you like our new Netflix-style home-page layout), and a video poetry circle, and a live music club (see Sunday's special edition). We don't (yet) have a clubhouse, but we do have other benefits. And, if you've got some kith or kin who might like the sound of all that and more, we do have a special Steyn Club Gift Membership. More details here.