You can't argue with endorsements like these!

The arrogance of Mark Steyn knows no bounds

Prince Turki al-Faisal
Saudi Ambassador to the United States

Dangerous Idiot Of The Week

The New Statesman (United Kingdom)

The leaden humorist Mark Steyn

Paul Bailey
The Sunday Times (United Kingdom)

It's wonderful to find a Canadian warmonger, isn't it?

Chris Patten
European Union Commissioner for External Affairs

Our treatment plants will always be ready to receive the literary outpourings emanating from his most humane soil.

Ghazi Algosaibi
Minister of Water and Sewage, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Mark Steyn, Conrad Black's leftover attack dog

Peter Preston
The Observer (United Kingdom)

Canada's own Mystic Mogg, Mark Steyn. The champion stage-door-Johnny of the Broadway musical scene, whose forays into the geopolitical uplands remind us why Rodgers, Hart and Hammerstein so seldom tried their luck at comment journalism...

Matthew Norman
The Guardian (United Kingdom)

The poisonous language of a columnist by the name of Mark Steyn...

Lewis H Lapham
Harper's (United States)

This column of bigotry, homophobia and racism... typical of the slick, degrading, immoral rubbish which is being propounded every Monday in that newspaper. It is an example of the degraded level to which we are falling.

Michael D Higgins, TD for Galway West
speaking in the Irish Parliament

Someone apparently lost control of the steering wheel and included a strange screed by a Mark Steyn, who is billed as a columnist for Britain's Daily Telegraph. The National Review should be ashamed of itself.

William German
The San Francisco Chronicle

If Steyn is even remotely right in his predictions, two bad things will happen. First, he will become even more insufferable than he is now...

David McKie
The Guardian (United Kingdom)

Anxiety was provoked in the introduction to this piece, "This is his first Irish Times column." Please God it will also be his last.

Sheena Walsh McMahon
Bray, Ireland

I am e-mailing you to beg you to renounce your Canadian citizenship.

Lesia Dickson

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