First things first. Those who have been watching online have already figured this out, but it is expected that Mark will cross-examine Michael Mann — mano a mano — TOMORROW. So be sure to tune in (Room 518).
Second, welcome to the fight, Jack Posobiec! Thank you for the excellent coverage of the trial over at Human Events (at minute 38, but the whole show is great as usual). Jack joins a growing cadre of media (see John Hinderaker at Powerline here, Ricochet here, Heartland and John Droz here, and Phelim and Ann's latest here) who recognize the seriousness of this case and what an outcome against Mark means not just for Mark, but for ALL of us.
Third, many of you have asked how you can support Mark during the trial. Today in court, Mann admitted the past 12 years has cost him nothing out of pocket. Read that again. Nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada. Despite being represented by three law firms.
But if you're just a regular guy like Mark, the past 12 years of this case hasn't been cheap. So, please keep the notes coming - we read each and every one. And if you can, consider joining the Mark Steyn Fan Club and/or get your very own Liberty Stick like Roger G. did yesterday: "I have become a paying member of the "Mark Steyn Fan Club" to support @MarkSteynOnline in his current trial against "climate hockey stick" activist @MichaelEMann."
All of which brings us to today's happenings. As background, Michael Mann has to not only prove that Mark acted with actual malice, but also that the "statements at issue" as the Judge finally ordered the Plaintiff's counsel to refer to the two articles... at issue (vice the "defamatory publications" the Plaintiff's legal counsel had been using all morning despite multiple objections), caused damages to Mann (from financial to reputational to emotional). Yet as the Defendant's attorneys demonstrated this afternoon, Mann has received pay increases year upon year since the "statements at issue" (financial). He has stood on stage with the likes of former President Bill Clinton and former Vice President Al Gore, and did a documentary series with Leonardo DiCaprio — as demonstrated by his very extensive CV the Plaintiff's counsel spent hours gushing over yesterday (reputational). And one (1) person in a Wegmans in State College stared at him after the "statements at issue" were published in 2012. One person. One person Mann couldn't identify and did not know (emotional).
Compare Mann's situation to that of Canadian scientist Tim Ball, who was brought up today in testimony and who, in 2011, also disagreed with Mann. Mann, similarly, sued Ball for defamation. And similarly, the case languished in the Canadian courts for years. But due to the numerous delays, the judge in Canada finally dismissed the case against Ball and ordered Mann to pay Ball's court costs. Mann never paid and Ball died in 2022, leaving his widow destitute from the case....
From the Inbox
"Mark is crushing it." — Gavin
"Please pass on my best wishes and thanks to Mark if you get a chance. I feel he's fighting for our civilisation here and our chance to live a good life in the future. It truly is the trial of the century." — Mark S.
"I am struggling to find just the right description for [Mark]. National treasure is close but too narrow, is it international treasure, multi-national treasure, or western treasure? In any event we are lucky to have him and I wish to shake his hand some day." — Steve
"I've found the blog of @PhelimMcAleer, it's a great recap. Thanks for fighting for the truth." — Dawn
"The "odious" one is the one shining light where the established ones want to keep people in the dark." — Rob S.
"Tuning in to support Mark. I'm Kippers & Kedgeree, a nod to Mark's delightful time zone check-in for Clubland Q&A. Good luck all!" — Kristan