Today I had the great honor of guest-hosting Open Line Friday for Rush on America's Number One radio show. If you missed the live broadcast, you can find a few moments from the show here.
The Kavanaugh confirmation circus dominated the show, but two-thirds of the way in the news broke that Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General, had proposed wearing a wire to record his meetings with Trump, and had explored using the 25th Amendment to remove him from office. Rosenstein issued a weak non-denial denial. But don't worry, everybody knows "the Deep State" is just a paranoid fantasy... We'll have more on this disturbing story as it develops.
While we're at it, here I am with Tucker Carlson on the Kavanaugh business from last night, Thursday:
If you're one of that small, brave band that enjoys me on camera, I'll be here tomorrow morning, Saturday, to answer members' questions in a brand new video edition of Mark's Mailbox. Hope you'll tune in - and join me next week for a special extended encounter with Tucker Carlson.
As I mentioned on air, the inaugural Mark Steyn Club Cruise is now sold out. We scrabbled around to accommodate a few last-minute bookings; we moved Michele Bachmann to a windowless upper bunk in the hold, which freed up her stateroom... But we can't take any more, I'm afraid. So I look forward to seeing some of you when we depart Montreal in a week's time - and, for those who couldn't make it, we hope to see you on our second Mark Steyn Club Cruise.
I'll be back in a few hours for the latest episode in The Mark Steyn Club's current audio adventure - John Buchan's Greenmantle. As I always say, the Steyn Club isn't for everyone, but it does come with some special benefits, including:
~Our nightly radio serial Tales for Our Time;
~Exclusive Steyn Store member pricing on over 40 books, mugs, T-shirts, and other products;
~The opportunity to engage in live Clubland Q&A sessions with yours truly (we'll have another live across the planet next week);
~Transcript and audio versions of The Mark Steyn Show, SteynPosts, and other video content;
~My new series of video poetry;
~Advance booking for my live appearances around the world;
~Customized email alerts for new content in your areas of interest;
~Priority booking to join me and my guests on the next Mark Steyn Club Cruise;
~and the chance to support our print, audio and video ventures as they wing their way around the planet.
For more on The Mark Steyn Club, see here. And don't forget our special Gift Membership.