
100 Results | Showing 1 - 10
18-1451 National Review, Inc. v. Mann (11/25/2019)
Nov 25, 2019 ... Columnists Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn criticized. Mann, the hockey stick graph, and an investigation con- ducted by Penn State into allegations ...
The Costs of Mann Delay: or Michael E Mann, Loser (Again) and Deadbeat (for Sure)
Jun 23, 2020 ... This last year has not gone well for him. His suit against Tim Ball was dismissed with prejudice by the British Columbia Supreme Court for ...
Suing Mark Steyn For Libel: Has Michael Mann Ever Heard Of Oscar Wilde?
Aug 24, 2012 ... I must say this is my favourite story of the day. The climate scientist Michael Mann is threatening to sue Mark Steyn and the National ...
As Steyn Goes, So Goes Mann
Jan 13, 2015 ... The famous hockey stick graph created by Dr. Michael Mann played a critical role in persuading millions of people we're all gonna fry. In the ...
Michael E Mann "Sloppy and Unethical"
Feb 26, 2014 ... Michael Liebreich believes in anthropogenic global warming, but he also believes Michael Mann is "sloppy and unethical", "no science hero", " ...
Mann About the House
Feb 24, 2014 ... Steve McIntyre continues his series on self-conferred Nobel Laureate Michael E Mann's equally false claims (in his legal pleadings against me ...
Michael E. Mann
Aug 23, 2012 ... People have been asking for my reaction to the recent response by the National Review. Here is a statement from my lawyer John B. Williams ...
Mann vs Steyn: The State of Play
Jun 8, 2015 ... Mann vs Steyn: The State of Play ... The new climatological bestseller featuring Mark and some of the world's most eminent scientists. In the ...
Michael Mann is Not a Victim
Feb 7, 2024 ... Michael Mann is not a victim. That was the theme of Mark's closing today in court. The judge began the day by reading the jury instructions ...
The Unexonorated Mann
Feb 17, 2014 ... Nobel fantasist Michael E Mann has made much in his complaint against me, and in the discovery requests to which I responded last Wednesday, ...

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