'Tis the season at SteynOnline: we have plenty of Yuletide delights over at the Steyn Store - and, if you really want to treat your beloved this Christmas, there's always a stateroom on the Mark Steyn Caribbean Cruise.
In case you missed it, here's how the last seven days looked to Mark:
~ The week started with a nod to the sixtieth anniversary of the assassination of a president in Steyn's Song of the Week.
~ Monday's Topical Take revisited Mark's take from 2010 on the recently victorious Geert Wilders in the Netherlands.
~ Mark's Tuesday's Notebook touched on our atomised society, the demographic death spiral, and who are the real haters.
~ Wednesday's Q&A with Mark covered recent news out of Ireland and the Netherlands, the dirty stinking rotten corrupt US justice system and Mali the elephant.
~ On Thursday Laura's Links returned with her round up of news around the world.
~ Friday's Diversity Deathwatch posting from Mark reported on the recent slap on the wrist for nine rapists in Germany on account that "a migrant background can push offenders to the margins of society".
~ This weekend also saw the first of many Christmas delights with Mark's Christmas Tale for our Time: Plum Duff Part One and Plum Duff Part Two
~ For our Saturday night movie, Rick's Flicks reviewed the new movie on Napoleon.
A new week begins with Steyn's Song of the Week on Serenade Radio at 5:30pm GMT/ 12:30pm North American Eastern Time.