In the aftermath of the debacle in Benghazi and Cairo, Mark's latest bestseller After America is more timely than ever. The paperback edition hits bookstores this Monday - September 17th - complete with a new introduction that among other things includes, as Hugh Hewitt noted , an Obama budget version of "In The Year 2525". Mark will be out and about promoting After America next week, starting with Sean Hannity's radio show and TV show, both on Monday. You can find full details of where he'll be appearing here at SteynOnline in our "On The Air" box in our right-hand sidebar.
Meanwhile, here's a recent review of the hardback edition to get you in the mood:
It is a very interesting book. It is written cleverly and with erudition. It is written to get progressives crazy and to get them to be dismissive of it. It is reminiscent of "Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One". What makes it interesting is that the style, though florid, contains a large number of allusions and words that people like Steyn are not supposed to know or use correctly. Yet he does... An interesting task for a reader is to ignore the easy 'Steyn is a right wing nut job and is not like us.' and to try to knock down his argument point by point. So far, Steyn's argument about America seems to be right, whether the reader likes the conclusions or not.
Yes, we're still waiting for that point-by-point takedown.
The new paperback edition of After America will be in all good bookstores across the United States and Canada, but there's only one place where you can get a personally autographed copy, and that's right here at SteynOnline.