On February 8, 2019 at 4:00 pm, Sol wrote:
Prof Carlson's blistering monologue on progressives and blackface was worthy of a college course; a continuous source of which is needed to counter the college courses producing delusional dunce queens like Alexandria Or Combust.
Shouldn't this have been announced on St Patrick's Day (or April Fool's Day)? The planet still has 11 years and ten months left. If I understand the Democrat Party, the important thing about the Green With Envy Deal is that AOC wore green to announce her party's intention to eliminate internal-combustion engine automobiles. Afterward, Chuck Todd asked her, "How much of this is generational or how much is ideological?" With the irony living loudly in her, AOC said, "It's both," and added, "I also believe that, like all big movement moments in American history, young people are putting the gas in the tank to really accelerate our timelines on reach our goals."
On February 8, 2019 at 4:01 pm, Brian from Minneapolis wrote:
More and more the war on fossil fuels is going down the same path as the Poison Ivy character took in the awful movie "Batman and Robin" where she proposed no fossil fuels for heat or fluorocarbons for refrigeration and deemed any loss of life acceptable in the battle to save the planet. Once these are gone they'll forbid the burning of wood and coal and any chemicals that would provide heat as well since since using them will pollute the environment. Their logic is flawed. How can they say that our pollution is more destructive than the next nation that does it? How many times in our history where we see elites try to make something exclusive only to them and no one else? But what energy we the people are allowed to have isn't the only thing they want to control. They say individual millionaires are evil and individual billionaires are the anti-Christ yet the government that spends trillions is somehow our savior. You have mentioned George Orwell's quote of how all are created equal but some are more equal than others once before and it seems to me that they took that commandment and applied it to themselves. Truly, the left wants to have the same control over us as China does over their people. If we don't stop their extremist views, the only way for us to keep our heat and electricity running would be getting our daily steps in otherwise we'll all be left in the cold and kept in the dark.
On February 8, 2019 at 4:01 pm, Scot A wrote:
AOC can not be laughed off or dismissed. I am truly scared by her. There are powerful forces behind her. One way for the global elites to suppress the growing populist movements around the world is to restrict travel and people. People will allow this to happen if they are told staying home is good for the environment.
The Dems are marching us to tyranny. From the VA governor endorsing infanticide to AOC's green cultural revolution. Debate has been shutdown on numerous issues; just look at Chuck Todd saying he will no longer allow "climate change deniers" on meet the press.
Mark my words, by the 2024 presidential campaign the media and certain parties will be saying, "We can make this Green New Deal work and we need to make it work to save the planet. Since saving the planet is critical, we can not allow certain people to hold us back. The science is settled and these deniers do not understand. They need to be re-educated. We will set up re-education facilities to help the with their transition."
From Obama's bitter clingers to Hillary's deplorables to finally isolating and imprisoning those who are stopping the "arc of history" from bending to social justice.
One very small sad part of this is that there are GOP establishment people that agree with this plan. All AOC has to do is throw in a .0005% cut to a tax rate and some GOP establishment people would call this a victory. Sure some Americans are being imprisoned but we did get a tax cut. Hurrah for us.
On February 8, 2019 at 4:01 pm, Paul Cathey wrote:
I acutally worked in a dairy in Twin Falls, Idaho when I was eighteen. It had exactly this mixture in its herd: 2/3 Holsein, for volume, and 1/3 Guernsey, for richness. It was great milk. And the flatulence left a wonderful piquant afterglow.
On February 8, 2019 at 4:05 pm, Ken wrote:
Isn't it likely that most or all of the pro-New Green Deal ("Great Leap Forward") Democrat 2020 contenders are primarily in it for campaign donations from the climate change Kool-Aid drinkers? They know they can't win, but the grift is too lucrative to pass up?
On February 8, 2019 at 4:06 pm, James Morphew wrote:
The lingering question I have is: how long will the silly proposals continue, and be taken semi-seriously by some significant portion of America? This is how the decline begins in the banana (and petro) republics -- some promises of Free Stuff from the Resistance, as its leaders blame Those Rich (or White or Right) Guys, enough uninformed people expecting that Free Stuff to support the enactment, the Resistance then gets the guns, and then we have the ensuing fight for the shrinking pie as in Cuba or Venezuela, where the Resistance and their closest friends are well taken care of; the true producers, not so much. I suspect a large majority of America really does not fall for these silly, unaffordable, impossible proposals, and is suspicious of Free Stuff, but I may be too optimistic.
On February 8, 2019 at 4:06 pm, David Giler wrote:
If you've commented on The Death of Stalin, I missed it. In the rising enthusiasm for socialism this movie captures 'socialism by experts' as Solzhenitsen put it in the words of Tom Wolfe:
""Moreover, said Solzhenitsyn, the system had not begun with Stalin but with Lenin, who had immediately exterminated non-Bolshevik opponents of the old regime and especially the student factions. It was impossible any longer to distinguish the Communist liquidation apparatus from the Nazi. Yet Solzhenitsyn went still further. He said that not only Stalinism, not only Leninism, not only Communism—but socialism itself led to the concentration camps; and not only socialism, but Marxism; and not only Marxism but any ideology that sought to reorganize morality on an a priori basis. Sadder still, it was impossible to say that Soviet socialism was not "real socialism." On the contrary—it was socialism done by experts!"
On February 8, 2019 at 4:06 pm, Carla Micallef wrote:
Hi Mark, it seems to me that we should spend more time talking about how environmentally unfriendly wind and solar are-- the land use space alone, not withstanding the harm to birds and bats that wind turbines cause, should be talked about more. I can just picture zooming across the Midwest on a high speed train past miles and miles of picturesque wind turbines and solar panels rather than trees and prairie grass!
Carla Micallef
On February 8, 2019 at 4:10 pm, Garry from LSD (Lower Slower Delaware) wrote:
This entire topic is depressing. How smart do the Dems have to be to be this stupid? I'm thinking Graduate or Doctorate level. Historically speaking, how we ever been in this situation before? Possibly with the Know-Nothings. But I am at a loss.
Meant in the Best possible sense!
On February 8, 2019 at 4:11 pm, AB43 wrote:
About AOC green plan please do not get excited about it.. I can assure you that all what will happen with AOC green plan a special department will be created that will be called green plan department. They will hire couple of thousand people from the environmental NGOs and specialist in PR and graphic artist that will create beautiful 3D panoramic images that show how green plan will look in detail. That itself will take the 12 years that AOC wanted for everything to be done and cost just couple of trillion dollars. After all, what are couple of trillion dollars when we are planning the imaginary future fossil fuel less world, it is just small change. Besides spending the money what might happen that the existing infrastructure will be neglected even more since what's the point to repair if everything will be demolished and built new from scratch. I am sure that no engineering work will be done and it will accomplish as much as Obama's shovel ready jobs.
On February 8, 2019 at 4:11 pm, P. Gao wrote:
Also, how come only America gets the cow-less treatment, but not India? How come massive populations of cows/cattle on four other continents can be left unmolested to flat away, but ours are problematic? This 'green platform' reeks of straight-up fake, rendering any debate worthless.
On February 8, 2019 at 4:12 pm, Raymond Swenson wrote:
Sorry I will be in a meeting during the broadcast, but here is my observation on the Democrats' "Green New Deal". The name evokes Democrats' yearning for global disasters like the Great Depression and World War II to justify the national government intruding into and controlling every aspect of our lives, from the food we eat (no beef or dairy!) to how we travel (no cars or jet planes!). Big Sister will be watching us, but it's OK because she knows what is good for us, better than we do!
For Democrats, every crisis is an excuse to take away another freedom from the "deplorable" masses who hug their guns and Bibles, the ones who might, guided by their faith in a God higher than the Woke Enlightened, would use their guns to topple their rulers. Their path forward is to take us back to an era of personal sacrifice for the "common good", with government bureaucrats prohibiting farmers from growing grain for their own bread, because it takes them out of the government imposed system of rationing (which was upheld by the Supreme Court), an era when government-nurtured mass hysteria led to summary imprisonment of 100,000 Americans out of fear they might dissent from the war mobilizing against the nation of their ancestors (also upheld by the Supreme Court). Democrat senators have already refused to be constrained by the limits on government power imposed by the Bill of Rights, seeing inspiration in the way FDR ran roughshod over Japanese Americans. Democrats have even institutionalized racial discrimination against Asian Americans in college admissions.
The new global threat for Democrats is Global War-ming. They cannot allow its reality to be questioned, because fear of it overrides the petty fears of citizens about their civil and property rights. Fear of criminals with guns is really about the Democrats' fears of citizens with guns who might take it into their heads to exercise the fundamental civil right they exercised in 1776, the one the Declaration of Independence asserts, to choose a new government.
On February 8, 2019 at 4:12 pm, P. Gao wrote:
Exactly! They want to lock the people in place, while the eiltes can go anywhere, anytime. So many policies push to that so it's a real intent. It'd be informative to find out who is writing all the things Rep O-C is reading.
Not to be distracted, if course; it seems suspiciously like another sophisticated deflection tactic to keep people focused/talking/arguing on this nonsense while what they don't want noticed slithers around. Who's talking today on the 'media' about the Virginia political cage match of infanticide enabling/live organ harvesting enabling, and violence against women enabling? That was fast, wasn't it? And the issue isn't some 'green-colored button-pushing construct', but the most severe abominations of actual murder and actual abuse -- high crimes and aggression being protected by Democrats. Looks like the media tried first to poo-poo it, then yanked it off stage so the audience won't hear another word about it, so infanticide-enabling as a money-machine can be left to be recovered to the goal of institutionalized, actions completed out of sight out of mind. Remember these people squealing "No blood for oil?" But newborns', babies', childrens', teens' blood and body parts for cash? It's looking like by the staggering size of the profits and corrupting money flows, these fund the Machine, so those who are part of it gotta keep the furnace stoked and burning.
On February 8, 2019 at 4:17 pm, Raymond Swenson wrote:
Everyone is missing the real problem with Elizabeth Warren claiming to identify herself as an "American Indian", as she wrote on her Texas State Bar registration card. (What business was it of the Bar Association to even ask that? I pay dues to three state bar associations, and none of them want that information.)
The real reason we should criticize Warren is that she never did anything to support her fellow American Indians. She did not provide pro bono legal services to poor Indians. She did not represent the Tribal Nations in lawsuits to vindicate their rights under treaties and Federal law. This is a major area if litigation, but she never supported it.
As a senator, Warren could sponsor legislation to improve the lives of American Indians, but she neglected them. She has millions of dollars, but has not donated to help reservation health care or scholarships for their children.
She might be forgiven for her obsession with 1/1024th of her ancestry if she had ever DONE anything to help Native Americans. But no, it has all been about her indulging her fantasy life, never about learning the history and experience of those people and then using her skills and power and wealth to ameliorate their harsh conditions.
On February 8, 2019 at 4:18 pm, Wm. Picou wrote:
Is social media the new bear-pit?
On February 8, 2019 at 4:18 pm, Walt Trimmer wrote:
I find your photo illustrating the methane problem to be udderly ridiculous,
On February 8, 2019 at 4:21 pm, Kate Smyth wrote:
An Adorable Deplorable recently observed...
"We live in a truly odd time where nobody can be fired for actually being inept at their job but everyone can be fired for a clumsy social media post."
Is there no end in sight to the politics of personal destruction by the Wokestapo? Any hope of a pushback against the "diversity" and "anti-bullying" agenda to entrench mediocre woke folk?
PS. The quote is Millerian (not Steynian) wisdom. Also, love the end-of-week Q&A!
On February 8, 2019 at 4:24 pm, Jerome Skelly wrote:
Regarding Conrad Black, would you please summarize for club members such as me the nature of his legal problems? What was the real reason for his imprisonment, who was driving it, and what was the purported reason for it all? And what is he doing now?
On February 8, 2019 at 4:27 pm, George Pereira wrote:
With the coming of Spring and Summer some of the Hill Towns in the Berkshires will be having their annual events, like Sheep and Woolcraft, local town fairs that feature cows, goats and other critters.
Who would ever have thought the 4H was the nexus of evil in the destruction of the planet?
On February 8, 2019 at 4:27 pm, Toby Pilling wrote:
Have the Wokestapo struck again against Liam Neeson?
Should he wage a one-man war of righteous vengeance against them?
On February 8, 2019 at 4:29 pm, Sue Sims wrote:
I would love it if you would explain to this Brit why having appeared in black face condemns someone to the lowest pit of hell. Surely it's worse to dress up as a Nazi, but when Prince Harry did it in 2005, there was a bit of a fuss for two or three days in the papers and then everybody forgot about it. What I find so extraordinary is that there seems to be no doubt in everybody's mind, whether Democrat, Republican, conservative, progressive, libertarian, Christian or atheist, about the appalling nature of the crime. The only question is whether Northam should be hung, drawn, and quartered, or merely burnt at the stake. Please explain!
On February 8, 2019 at 4:29 pm, Florida man wrote:
Where did all this fuss about black-face come from? I don't remember anything like this being an issue 20 or more years ago. Is it true it all started as an attempt to stop good white actors from taking black roles away from black actors when CGI became good enough to change someone's race on screen?
On February 8, 2019 at 4:35 pm, John Frey wrote:
I'll enjoy your comments on Dr. Thomas Sowell's observation: "Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it."
On February 8, 2019 at 4:36 pm, Hari Seldon wrote:
Any word on when / what the next Tale For Our Time will be?
On February 8, 2019 at 4:43 pm, Neil Pfaff wrote:
We'll probably have to sell Alaska to fund this crap. I only hope Canada is the highest bidder as opposed to Russia, where the visa process will be problematic. Oh Canada....
On February 8, 2019 at 4:45 pm, Florida man wrote:
Violating the stated norms of an organization and getting away with it, even though everyone knows it is going on, is the ultimate status symbol. As a humble example, a cousin of mine once belonged to weight-watchers, and the only people not required to sign a contract to maintain their weight were the high-level managers. Hence you could always know the bigshots at an organizational weight-watchers party -- they were the only ones who were overweight.
On February 8, 2019 at 4:55 pm, Mark Ferrigno wrote:
Can we get an annual update on the "Brutal Afghan Winter" Going on 18 years, does Trump have the resolve to get us out of Afghanistan?
On February 8, 2019 at 4:55 pm, Laura Rosen Cohen wrote:
Hi Mark, isn't the Democrat support of Planned Parenthood the current manifestation of the political left's antipathy to black people? What could be more anti black and racist that the number of black babies who have been murdered by this apparatus?
On February 8, 2019 at 4:55 pm, Kris Dray wrote:
After more than two months of rather arcane travel across many time zones in both directions, I am not that incredulous that time travels strangely in the Canadian Maritimes. So (not complaining mind you, given my poor keyboard skills), I have less trouble believing you can move through 3 days in one time zone than believing the president can deal honestly with the new Left and expect good results. Whether it's the deliberate hypocrisy of old party leaders or the lunatic philosophy of AOC, how do you compromise with people who embrace infanticide, religious bigotry, wealth redistribution, open borders, euthanasia and all the other ills of the postmodern West. Good luck to president counting on Republican elite to behave like conservatives and the new liberals to behave like Americans.
My best to you and Mr. Miller on your tour. I hope the Martin and Lewis of the new millennium have such success that they find it necessary to take their show west (like the Rocky Mountain region).
Looking forward as always to new tales and the Clubland Q&A.
On February 8, 2019 at 4:55 pm, Quinn wrote:
On the "necessary hypocrisy" of liberalism: I find it most reprehensible in instances where they have the gall to use children to make their claims against conservatives. Like Pelosi's "immoral" claim around Trump's border policies. According to her it is immoral that we're putting illegal minors in a well-appointed daycare (likely better conditions than anything they've experienced back home) while processing their parents, but killing a child before birth, up until birth, during birth, and now apparently after the child is born, is okay.
They know their fluid moral positions are incongruent with each other- but that's what they're going for, isn't it? Because then (as their thinking goes) they can never lose the argument. They just change their convictions in each separate instance. Thoughts?
Quinn Watson
On February 8, 2019 at 4:55 pm, Macedonian Content Farmer wrote:
With respect to the relative abilities of Miller and Steyn, I suspect that their Venn diagrams have a significant overlap. Mark might miss a few of Dennis' football references, but Dennis probably doesn't know that Coventry has never won the FA Cup.
On February 8, 2019 at 4:56 pm, Scott Schertzer wrote:
Dear Mark,
According to federal scientists the past five years have been the hottest in modern record. Can you please reassure me that the glaciers won't have melted by September as I am looking forward to seeing them on the Mark Steyn cruise to Alaska.
Scott Schertzer
Miami Beach, FL
On February 8, 2019 at 4:57 pm, George Pereira wrote:
Will we ever have an HP Lovecraft story as a Tales for our Time?
On February 8, 2019 at 4:58 pm, Deborah McKenzie wrote:
Hi Mark,
Greetings from the Great Gray North (Toronto)! You've talked about Conservatives in Canada and Republicans in the States never being willing to take a stand on anything meaningful. So what do you think of Maxime Bernier and his new federal party the People's Party of Canada. Bernier is the only Canadian federal politician willing to say that we should reduce immigration back to 250,000 newcomers a year and that we should ensure that immigrants coming here share Western values of respect and equality between men and women before the law. Would you consider interviewing him again? Also it would be great to hear King Solomon's Mines read as one of your Tales for Our Times. Keep up the great work!
On February 8, 2019 at 4:58 pm, Quinn wrote:
On the "necessary hypocrisy" of liberalism: I find it most reprehensible in instances where they have the gall to use children to make their claims against conservatives. Like Pelosi's "immoral" claim around Trump's border policies. According to her it is immoral that we're putting illegal minors in a well-appointed daycare (likely better conditions than anything they've experienced back home) while processing their parents, but killing a child before birth, up until birth, during birth, and now apparently after the child is born, is okay.
They know their fluid moral positions are incongruent with each other- but that's what they're going for, isn't it? Because then (as their thinking goes) they can never lose the argument. They just change their convictions in each separate instance. Thoughts?
Quinn Watson
On February 8, 2019 at 4:59 pm, LJO wrote:
Saw you on Tucker Carlson mention the Irish and Danish (?) per-cow tax. As applied to gassy bovines, is this the "Flat... Tax" that we heard so much about eight years ago?
On February 8, 2019 at 5:00 pm, Estelle S. wrote:
Good evening Mark. Have you been following the latest Twitter outrage mob regarding Chef Gordon Ramsay? His cultural appropriation crime is that he wants to open an "authentic" Chinese restaurant named Lucky Cat. At least it's just the name of the restaurant and not the main course. I guess that would be Unlucky Cat in that case.