Happy Mothering Sunday to mums in various parts of the world from Belfast and Bognor Regis to Bauchi and Benin City. We have some music for the day here.
Mark will be here in a couple of hours with another of his Sunday Poems - because, as he always says, video poetry is where the big bucks are. Meanwhile, in case you missed it, here's how the last seven days looked to Steyn:
~The week began with Mark missing Australia, and finding consolation in a song to get him there.
~Mark's Monday Notebook found Steyn buried under news he has no interest in, like Meghan whining about not being taught to curtsey, and Pepe LePew being #MePewed, and Senator Hawley being attacked by his prom date, and on and on... It was our most read piece of the week.
~Tuesday's Mark Steyn Show offered an amazingly in-depth update on the eternally impending Durham Report - plus a Canadian clampdown on lockdown dissent, a poem for Royal love, yet another ChiCom decisive advantage, a brand new edition of The Hundred Years Ago Show, and one of the loveliest of ballads.
Later on Tuesday Mark joined the Number One show in cable to bring a reluctant Tucker up to speed on the virtues of constitutional monarchy.
~On Wednesday Laura's Links rounded up the Internet from the #MeTooing of the Luv Guv to Arab misgivings about the Biden Middle East.
Also on Wednesday Mark and Tucker mulled the ongoing vandalization of the past. Click below to watch:
~On Thursday Mark hosted another Clubland Q&A taking questions from Steyn Club members live around the planet on the woke and the will, an early Christmas for Chairman Xi, Yankee Doddering Dandy, and much more. You can listen to the full show here.
~On Friday the 100th edition of The Mark Steyn Show circled back to the very first show, and mused on where we stand ninety-nine shows later.
~On Saturday, we continued our latest audio serialization - a book beloved by Steyn's readers, Mark Steyn's Passing Parade - with Mark's obituaries for James Callaghan and Eugene McCarthy.
Later, our weekend movie date celebrated Looney Tunes - before the wokesters decree "That's all, folks!"
The Mark Steyn Show, Mark Steyn's Passing Parade, Clubland Q&A and Steyn's Sunday Poem are made possible by members of The Mark Steyn Club. The Mark Steyn Club is not to everyone's taste, but we do have members in every corner of the world from Virginia to Vanuatu, and, if you have a chum who's a fan of classic poems on video or classic fiction in audio, we also offer a special gift membership.
A new week at SteynOnline begins later today with the above-mentioned Sunday Poem, and continues this evening with Steyn's Song of the Week.