In case you missed it, here's how the last seven days looked to Mark:
~The week began with the aftermath of the London Bridge terror attack. On the morning after, Steyn appeared on "Fox & Friends" to discuss the second mass murder in Britain within twelve days. Click below to watch:
~The following day, as the usual absurd revelations about this week's "known wolves" piled up, Mark returned to the subject both on Fox News and on America's Number One radio show. In his column he noted that Britons and Europeans were getting used to it.
~On Tuesday Steyn invited Mark Steyn Club members around the world to submit questions for our latest Clubland Q&A. You can watch his answers below, on everything from post-Christian Europe to Tommy Robinson and Sting - and stick around for a double-dose of cultural appropriation right at the end. Click to watch:
~Wednesday marked the centenary of the birth of Dean Martin. Steyn observed the occasion with a consideration of Dean on screen, and a favorite song. Later he joined Tucker Carlson on TV to discuss the new tribalism of identity politics, and John Oakley on the radio to ponder Obama in Montreal and Theresa in trouble. Click below to listen:
~Thursday was a day of pseudo-drama and the real thing. On the former, Mark considered Jim Comey's testimony to Congress in our most-read piece of the week: "Comeytose State." On the latter, Steyn reflected on a disastrous election result for Theresa May, and possibly for Brexit - and the Prime Minister's impending Therexit.
~Friday saw the launch of the second in Mark's series of audio adventures, Tales for Our Time: This time Steyn's reading H G Wells' classic story of bifurcated humanity, The Time Machine. Our first adaptation - Conan Doyle's The Tragedy of the Korosko - was a big hit with Mark Steyn Club members. Founding Member Melanie Cooke writes:
My husband and I greatly enjoyed your reading of The Tragedy of the Korosko. The music, the story and the different characters' accents as performed by you, held us spellbound. It was also eye opening in the demonstration of the chasm between western and Islamic culture. They haven't changed much... and regrettably we seem to still be resolutely unwilling to face that fact.
Looking forward to The Time Machine.
~For our Saturday movie date, Mark revisited a crackerjack political thriller with Kevin Costner, Gene Hackman, corrupt politicians and Russian spies, No Way Out - followed by Part Two of Steyn's reading of The Time Machine.
Tales for Our Time and our video content are made possible through the support of Founding Members of The Mark Steyn Club. Don't worry, none of our regular content is being paywalled, or anything like that. But we are providing Club members with a few extras. For more details, see here.
A new week at SteynOnline begins tonight with a special live-music edition of our Song of the Week - and Part Three of The Time Machine.