In case you missed it, here's how the last seven days looked to Mark:
The week began with our Song of the Week: the spookiest of cowboy classics, "Ghost Riders in the Sky".
~Monday saw Steyn sally forth in all available media - print, audio and video. First up was his view of the British state's increasing hostility to free speech: "Speakers Cornered" was our most-read piece of the week. Next, Mark guest-hosted America's Number One radio show: Along the way he interviewed House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who spoke movingly of the difference in police response at his own shooting and at the Parkland school massacre. Click below to listen:
Finally, Steyn rounded out the day on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" with some breaking news on the Russia investigation.
~On Tuesday Mark checked in with John Oakley on Toronto's Global News Radio 640 to address a possible sighting of Brexit-Trumpian populism in Ontario and Hillary Clinton's disastrous tour of India. Click below to listen:
~Wednesday's Mark Steyn Show featured Mark's interview with Canadian free-speech heroine Lindsay Shepherd. Click below to watch:
The Mark Steyn Show is made with the support of members of The Mark Steyn Club, for which we are profoundly grateful. For more on The Mark Steyn Club, see below.
~Mark's Thursday appearance on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" found him and Cheryl Casone pondering the disturbing death of a dog on United Airlines - and what it says about the airlines and us.
~On Friday Steyn did double-duty on television. On the curvy couch at "Fox & Friends", he returned to the subject of the dead puppy, and also talked about the CIA, waterboarding, and the millennial "quarter-life" crisis. Click below to watch:
At the other end of the day, Mark guest-hosted "Tucker Carlson Tonight" for a full hour of discussion and analysis on illegal immigration, rogue FBI bureaucrats, racist Democrat power-brokers, German social collapse, and more.
~For St Patrick's Day Steyn offered the colleen who puts the sham in shamrock - Hillary on parade - and a Saturday movie pick starring Liam Neeson as Michael Collins.
Dedicated followers of the New York court schedule noticed a looming date on the calendar (scroll down) for next month:
Court: New York Supreme Court
Index Number: 0650887/2018
Case Name: STEYN, MARK vs. CRTV, LLCRelief Sought: Confirm Award
There is plenty of disinformation out there regarding what happened, but, as Mark put it, he is happy to let the Court speak, definitively.
Much of our content at SteynOnline is funded by members of The Mark Steyn Club. Don't worry, none of our regular features are being paywalled, or anything like that: in fact, there's more free content at SteynOnline than ever before in our fifteen-year history. But we are providing Club members with a few extras, including our Sunday Poems, and participation in our Clubland Q&As - the latest is this Tuesday, live around the planet at 4pm North American Eastern Time. You'll find more details about The Mark Steyn Club here. And, if you have a pal who'd enjoy Mark's audio adventures with Conan Doyle, H G Wells & Co, don't forget our Steyn Club Gift Membership (not to be confused with our SteynOnline gift certificates).
A new week at SteynOnline begins tonight with our Song of the Week.