Topical Take

Title Date
The Last Copier in the Woods Arrives Sooner than Expected October 15, 2024
Droning Clichés in a Burning Theatre October 4, 2024
Beyond the Margin of Steal September 17, 2024
The Lost Frontier September 6, 2024
He Fought the Law...And He Won August 2, 2024
Trump Picks His Running Mate July 16, 2024
The End of the World, Fourteen Years On May 24, 2024
The Battlefields Abandoned February 27, 2024
The Feast of the Insurrection January 6, 2024
A Lesson from Luke December 12, 2023
The Lunatic Mainstream December 5, 2023
Is There a Non-Far Right? November 27, 2023
Onward, Christian Soldier! November 14, 2023
The State as Rootless Transient November 7, 2023
Israel Today, The West Tomorrow October 16, 2023
The Years We Wasted September 11, 2023
Prigozhin Pass? August 23, 2023
When the Edge of the Map Moves Inward August 15, 2023
Checkpoint Charlie Hebdo August 1, 2023
Alone Again, Naturally July 25, 2023
Birth of the New July 18, 2023
The Setting Sun January 24, 2023
Not Your Father's Sex Change January 18, 2023
When You Can't Unsee the Shark January 17, 2023
"Chaos" and "Insurrection" January 10, 2023
Victims of the Vaccine November 23, 2022
The Indispensable Man November 22, 2022
The Prisoner of Windsor November 21, 2022
Tinker, Tailor, Clapper, Carter, Downer, Halper, Spy November 20, 2022
Free Speech at Sea November 19, 2022
Reckoning Upon a Dervish November 18, 2022
"When Mark Steyn Struck Back" November 17, 2022
Trump in His Pomp November 16, 2022
Culture Trumps Politics November 15, 2022
Recreating with the King's Deer November 14, 2022
Lost at Home and Abroad November 13, 2022
Slow Boat to China November 12, 2022
Warm Front November 10, 2022
Not Red Waving But Drowning... November 9, 2022
Asymmetric Warfare November 8, 2022
The End of the World - A Generation On November 7, 2022
Diversity Is Where Nations Die November 6, 2022
My Sharia Amour November 3, 2022
Lodge and Palace September 14, 2022
Moon Shot September 4, 2022
The Transfiguration of Diana August 28, 2022
Motown Mo' Times August 8, 2022
The Long Goodbye July 6, 2022
Aborting Ourselves June 25, 2022
Facebook and Revolution May 20, 2022
A Bridge Too Farcical November 16, 2021
What We Were Talking About September 9, 2021
Death by Entourage September 2, 2021
Biden: Defund the Global Police! September 1, 2021
The Desert Before the Storm August 19, 2021
Beam Me Up, Louis August 12, 2021
Smelling Blood August 5, 2021
When Harry Met Hillary February 25, 2021
Unpardoned January 20, 2021
Deep State Target December 23, 2020
Monsieur Butterfly December 10, 2020
A Bureaucracy for Life December 8, 2020
Tomorrow's Civilizational Cringe Today October 19, 2020
The Mask Drops October 1, 2020
The Fake Hate-Crime Boogie July 9, 2020
"Creating" Slavery - and Ending It June 18, 2020
Professional Virgin April 21, 2020
Tripp Wire April 9, 2020
The False-Front Superpower March 26, 2020
When the System Infects You March 1, 2020
When the Edge of the Map Moves Inward February 27, 2020
Notes on a Phenomenon January 15, 2020
Yellow Streak January 3, 2020
The Non-War on Non-Terror December 18, 2019
The Men Who Walked Away December 5, 2019
Seems Like Old Times November 13, 2019
From Pierre to Pierrot October 19, 2019
Eurodee and Eurodum October 2, 2019
John Boltin' September 11, 2019
Guardians of the Theocracy August 2, 2019
Life, But Not As We Know It July 23, 2019
Speaking Ill of the Ted July 22, 2019
The Lost Frontier July 20, 2019
Muelling About June 26, 2019
The Least Worst Man June 22, 2019
The Great Fire of a New London June 14, 2019
Talibanny Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree May 23, 2019
Changing His Tune May 12, 2019
The Uncowardly Lioness May 5, 2019
Don't Mention the Jihad April 23, 2019
A Deal of New Green March 28, 2019
The West in Existential Crisis March 27, 2019
Last Orders January 16, 2019
Je Suis Charlie: Four years on January 10, 2019
The War That Made the World We Live In November 11, 2018
The Four Chads Return November 10, 2018
Celebrate Diversity (or Else) October 27, 2018
A Fatwa of One's Own October 26, 2018
The Prince Consort Has No Clothes October 25, 2018
With Friends Like These... October 24, 2018
The People's Queen October 23, 2018
My Ties to Tony Blair October 22, 2018
Swingin' Supremacists October 9, 2018
The Majority as Identity Group October 3, 2018
Hearing the Women, Then and Now September 25, 2018
That Dress, Twenty Years On August 22, 2018
Muga-bye August 3, 2018
The Amalgamated Union of Known Wolves July 25, 2018
Battle Hymns of the Non-Republics July 12, 2018
George III Wouldn't Have Done This To You July 9, 2018
The Return of Fauxcahontas July 6, 2018
These pretzels are making me frisky July 5, 2018
The Changing Face of Anti-Globalists June 8, 2018
The Land of the Middle-Aged Child May 24, 2018
The Interrogator May 11, 2018
Scouts' Honor? May 4, 2018
A Tale of Two Bills April 26, 2018
An Englishman's Home is His Proportionately Responsive Castle April 6, 2018
The Federally Regulated Family Man March 27, 2018
Nuts and Bolton March 23, 2018
Loopy Lou March 9, 2018
Diversity: Useless in Adversity March 1, 2018
Romancing the Stone February 9, 2018
Desperately Seeking Completion January 29, 2018
The Dawning of the Age of Incompletion January 20, 2018
Weaponizing the Shutdown January 19, 2018
**** ***, ******! January 16, 2018
Bundy Morning Quarterbacking January 13, 2018
A Guide to Pants-Dropping for the New Man December 8, 2017
Washington's Redskin November 29, 2017
Uranium & Diarrhea, Inc October 20, 2017
The Deserter Honored in the Rose Garden October 18, 2017
Do as the Romans Do October 11, 2017
Acts of God, and Man August 31, 2017
Hugs for Jihadists, Legal Hell for Those who Oppose Them August 10, 2017
The Democrats' Bet Pays Off July 29, 2017
Insufficiently Independent to Hold an Independence Day Parade July 4, 2017
The Larger Imagination of a "Despoiler of Women" May 29, 2017
Le Pen is Mightier Than the Fraud May 6, 2017
Facing Up to It April 14, 2017
A New Dawn, A New Don January 19, 2017
Flash Bang January 16, 2017
Clinton Dynasty Massive Storewide Clearances! November 12, 2016
The Questions That Were Never Put (in Public) October 28, 2016
Man and Identity June 8, 2016
The Humiliation January 14, 2016
Celebrating a Deserter in the Rose Garden December 15, 2015
Back to What Future? October 21, 2015
Queer Theory meets African Studies July 28, 2015
Home Is Where the Part Is April 15, 2015
Taking a Joke February 4, 2015
A Judenrein Europe January 16, 2015
Grope ...and Change! October 11, 2014
The Varispeed UK: All Exceptions and No Rule September 15, 2014
The Face of the Tiger August 23, 2014
Biting the Hand that Fed Him 21 January 2002
Boots on the Ground June 26, 2014
Finding Yourself in the Hindu Kush June 3, 2014
The Lower Regions of Upper Volta May 27, 2014
The Lois Lerner Defense March 11, 2014
Warmtroopers at the Super Bowl January 31, 2014
The State of the State of the Union January 27, 2014
Steyn I-Told-You-So Moment January 7, 2014
Krill or Be Krilled November 5, 2022
Cold War On Ice February 17, 2018
The Man Who Invented Elvis August 15, 2017
Bog Standards 6 July, 2002
How Does It Feeeeeeeelllll? October 15, 2016
Git Along, L'il Harry March 27, 2015
Motown's Biggest Hit! July 20, 2013
ASKING FOR IT June 30, 2011
STOUT-HEARTED MEN? September 30, 2010

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